Friday, July 16, 2010

Statement of Idea

A true chemical ternary computing machine. In it each silicon bit is replaced by a nanoscale reaction cell which contains species which can be induced to take and maintain a specific color which may be sensed by a laser or other optical device.

Writing data then involves inducing a nanoscale reaction cell (or 'tert' or 'trit') to attain a specific color. Reading data involves discovering what color the tert is, say red (R), green (G), or blue (B).

Numbers may be represented in this system, where R=0, G=1, B=2. The number 32 would then be represented as GRGB. Notice that this is accomplished with the use of 4 terts, whereas 6 bits are required to represent 32 - 100000.

DNA is actually an example of a biological quaternary storage medium where the main difficulty in creating an actual computing device lies in writing data. It is very difficult to go from (A->G or G->T). If A=0, T=1, C=2, G=3 then 32 would be TGG, only 3 quats.

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